來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 作者:中考網(wǎng)整理 2019-07-04 22:45:35
Thank you, council member Wang. I think she stole my question to ask you when did you break grounds so she can start collecting those. Next year, sales tax dollars from you. Exactly, exactly, exactly, but you know, when Chris and I met Mr. Jobs, you know, I found a little bit more about him is that actually he‘s a hometown boy graduated from Cupertino Middle school where my daughter is going, Homestead High School. So, Mr Jobs is very well familiar with the City of Cuperino. So, we‘re very fortunate that you founded here in Cuperino. You started to expand here in Cupertino. There‘re many choices across the country and I‘m sure that many governors and many mayors said please come to us, but you decided to stay here and I think it‘s because Cupertino is such and innovative place, a diverse place, and education-wise that we have such wonderful schools here some other students on how they got awarded in our school that are doing so well. One thing that I wanna ask you is to keep in mind is giving back to the community and one thing that we would love to do. I‘m sure that our staff will talk about is that we don‘t like going to Valley or Los Gatos for an Apple store. We would love to have an Apple store here Cupertino. And I can assure you, I even have, you know, my iPad 2 here, which I love, you know, so cooperate with me, but you know, it‘s a wonderful technology and my 11-year-old girl just loves this iPad2.
謝謝王委員。我想她關(guān)心開工時間,是等著明年征你們的稅呢。算起來,喬總是我老鄉(xiāng),和我女兒是校友。所以他對Cupertino非常熟悉,他把蘋果種在這里,讓它生根發(fā)芽。你本來可以去別的地方種蘋果,而且我肯定別的城市也企圖誘拐蘋果,但是你最終決定留下,因為你覺得應(yīng)該與Cupertino的創(chuàng)新和多元化不無關(guān)系。而且我們有很好的學(xué)校,咱們這兒的學(xué)生也個個出類拔萃,我只簡單提點期望,希望你們回饋社會,為社區(qū)做點貢獻,我們將感激不盡。Cupertino居然沒有蘋果專賣店,我和我的同事們不得不去Valley或Los Gatos去買蘋果,我們非常希望有蘋果專賣店在Cupertino。你敢開,我就敢買,看看我手頭的iPad2我的心頭肉啊,iPad2是個好iPad, 我11歲的閨女都愛不釋手。